divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010


Després de 10 anys sense treure cap nou disc (l'últim es va editar l'any 2000 i portava per títol Lover's rock), la cantant d'orige britànic-nigerià Helen Folasade Adu, coneguda internacionalment com Sade ha tret aquesta setmana al mercat un nou disc titulat Soldiers of Love.
Amb deu cançons força treballades, la cantant Sade és fidel al seu estil malgrat s'aparta dels ritmes de les produccions que la van consagrar durant la dècada dels vuitanta, gràcies a arranjaments musicals més subtils però força treballats i un to que m'ha semblat més melangiós i madur.
Us deixo una de les cançons que més m'ha agradat i que es titula In Another Time.

You'd be suprised girl Soon they'll mean nothing to you They'll fall into their brew And take down some of the boys with them too

There's nothing Nothing that you have to do In another time girl Your tears won't leave a trace In another time girl In another place

You've been down girl Their whispers are hailstones in your face You're so tired of waiting For something to change

They don't know what to do with Something so good That you wouldn't hurt them You wouldn't hurt them if you could

One of these days They're gonna fall into their brew And they'll know exactly what they did to you Darling I just want you to know

Your tears won't leave a trace In another time girl In another time girl In another place

Darling I just want you to know Your tears won't leave a trace In another time girl

In another time girl

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